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Red Rocks
Vodka Cran

Cinnamon? Good. Cranberry? Good. Red Rocks Vodka? GOOOOOOD.

Cinnamon? Good. Cranberry? Good. Red Rocks Vodka? GOOOOOOD.



    2 oz. Red Rocks Vodka

    3 oz. 100% cranberry juice

    1 oz. real maple syrup or 1/2 oz. pancake syrup

    Pinch of salt

    2 Dashes of cinnamon

    Cracked Ice

    Cinnamon stick and orange slice garnish (optional)


    Add the Red Rocks Vodka, cranberry juice, syrup, salt, cinnamon, and ice into the shaker.

    Shake until you find your inner child.

    Pour into your fancy glass and add the cinnamon stick and orange.

    Sip and wonder how you've survived holidays without this drink.



    Shot Glass

    Fancy glass to look cool in front of your friends

Have an amazing recipe to share? 

Tell us all the creative ways you use Red Rocks Vodka for a chance to be featured on our site. 

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